AmigaActive (7/2143)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:1 May 2000 at 13:06:02
Subject:Re: Basic or C

Hello Neil,

On 30-Apr-00, you wrote:

> 10 years ago when I started I knew that at nearly 40 I wasn't going
> to become a serious developer, I just wanted to have some fun
> controlling my lovely Amiga just below the surface layer. Amos was
> EASY and FUN, (a perfect companion for the machine). Whithin a few
> hours I was creating stuff that seemed magical. It was a perfect
> language for people like me who only really wanted to dabble. There
> is nothing to be ashamed of in this. If dabbling leads on to serious
> development that can only be good.

I couldn't agree more, Neil. I got AMOS and then AMOS PRO for exactly
the same reasons as you.

I know I'll never be a "programmer", but I wrote a Wordsearch creator
for my sons when they were small, and had a sudden addiction for
wordsearch puzzles. I wrote a "Duck Shoot" game, just to see if I
could, and I wrote a conversion of the "Pangolins" game that came with
the Spectrum. I also knocked up lots of little utilities when I needed
them, like currency convertors, tables etc. I even compiled some of my
programs, with the AMOS compiler.

I had great fun, like you, in being able to get more out of my Amiga,
and AMOS allowed me to do it. I tried Blitz later, but couldn't get
into it, and languages like C left me cold, all this arcane talk of
structures, ROM kernal manuals, source code etc, and no real
instructions to allow someone like me to get to grips with it....

Talk of AMOS now, and you get slated.


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

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